27 December 2007

The New DUI Test

Anyone can walk in a straight line or say the alphabet bombed. I have come up with a new test that is far more accurate - it tests reflexes, coherence, and the ability to drive a car. The new DUI test is an obvious one - JETMAN. If you haven't downloaded this Facebook application, I suggest you do it now. If you fear that it will be added to your mini feed, don't worry! There is an option so when you dl it, no one will know. The only people that will know you play Jetman are other nerdy Jetmaners - eventually 90% of your friends will dl this app, so this will be irrelevant anyway. To get back on track, if you score over 700 you should be allowed to drive. The guy is wearing a fucking jetpack - if you are able to navigate a man flying through the air around large blocks, there is no doubt in my mind that you can drive a car down a road.

1 comment:

s6xstringslash said...

haha all they need now is a breathalizer with a built-in PDA to store it